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A Funeral is..

For many of us, the idea of having a formal ceremony when we die is important.  However, in recent years the way we may want it to be done has changed.  It is no longer a given that a religious service will be included, nor is it automatically a dower experience.

We are now adopting new ways to say goodbye.  We may want our loved ones to celebrate our life, to recognise our achievements and our character.  We also may want there to be laughter and music.  For our loved ones this can be really comforting.

For the living, a funeral is where we literally and symbolically say goodbye to our loved ones.  Carrying out their wishes is crucial to helping us feel we have done our best.  Planning the funeral that they would want, and we want too, helps us to begin that grieving process.  It may be that you want to be sad because you can’t imagine anything else, but it may also be that you want to “sing from the rafters” how wonderful your loved one was.  Both approaches are valid, and in reality, they often merge, having uplifting music can help, along with a really personal tribute, remembering experiences, stories, and personality.

Whatever the wishes are, it is important to get it right.  It is, after all, our one chance to say goodbye.


The cost of a funeral is £250

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Please get in touch if you would like to discuss planning a funeral with me

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